The main objectives of my visit were two concerts. The whole event is called "Wind Music Awards 2011" and during the two evenings will be awarded Italian singers, who last year sold more than certain amount of CD or DVD (the limit is quite low, so practically all who produced something are awarded). And all "winners" sing one of their songs, so basically it´s a concert of all currently most successful Italian artists. Moreover, the event is held in the beautiful ancient amphitheatre in Verona. Regarding that I haven´t been listening to anything else than Italian music during the past three years, you can definitely imagine, how much I´m excited about it :)))
Z pátečního koncertu jsem byla nadšená, i když nás dešťové přeháňky a nakonec i bouřka donutily kolem půlnoci předčasně odejít (nevadí, na druhou půlku se dodívám v televizi).
I was very excited about the Friday´s concert, although the rain showers and finally also a storm made us to leave earlier (never mind, I can still watch the rest in the TV).
Tuto barvu laku jsem si hned zamilovala. Je to něco mezi zlatou a stříbrnou, podle toho, jak se od toho zrovna odráží světlo. Koupila si ho moje sestra někdy hrozně dávno v Itálii, takže stejný už neseženu. Nevíte o nějakém podobném, který se teď prodává?
I felt in love with this colour immediately. It´s something between gold and silver, depends on the lightning. My sister bought it a long time ago somewhere in Italy, so I can´t get the same one. Do you know some similar nail polish that is in shops now?
Wearing: tunika/tunic BENETTON, kabelka/bag TERRANOVA, boty/shoes Italian market, naušnice/earrings GATE, prstýnky/rings KENVELO, ACCESSORIES
Víc fotek i video určitě budou, hned jak budu mít trochu víc času, bohužel se u toho všeho musím ještě připravovat na blížící se státnice a přijímačky :(
There will be more pictures and video when I have more time. Unfortunately I have to learn for my state exams, now :(
Elle ღ
krásná kabelka :)